Prevent a Pet Emergency on Valentine’s Day

Valentines chocolate_iStock_000000406874_MediumEveryone knows that the top destination on Valentine’s Day is a pet emergency clinic. It’s just so romantic and cozy; you’ll want to freeze time…or NOT!

While we love seeing you and your pet, we would prefer it not be in an emergency situation! With this in mind, we offer some Valentine’s Day safety tips so you (and Cupid) can remain on track.

The Elephant in the Room

We hate to call out chocolate, but it really is the most common cause of pet poisonings on Valentine’s Day (not to mention Easter, Halloween, and Christmas!). Sure, nothing says “I love you” like decadent chocolates in a red, heart-shaped box. However, your pet is better off without these sweet treats.


How to Determine if a Gift is Safe for Your Pet

Puppy wrapped up in Christmas lightsPets adore gifts just as much as us (even if your cat ends up loving the box the gift came in much more), but not all gifts are appropriate for pets. In fact, some may present hidden dangers for a chow hound or a curious kitty.

If finding the perfect present (or ten!) for your best fur friend is on your shopping list this holiday season, be sure to prioritize safety as well. To help you decide if a gift is safe for your pet, Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital has compiled a few important tips.
